The Full Story
I was working in the corporate environment when I couldn't shake this feeling to share more joy with the world. My life was meant for something "more". After many experiments, we found music and dance an excellent medium to bring people and joy together. With no experience, we launched Secret Sunrise to connect the world through music, movement and dance.
I have been moving and facilitating ever since.
My offerings focus on:
(self, others, divinity)
(letting go which is no longer needed)
(in all my dances).
My facilitated movements filter through the same lens - good, clean, pure fun, with an element of natural healing and revealing.
I teach people to become facilitators of dance.
I developed the content for Secret Sunrise which includes:
Level1: Unleash Yourself
(find your voice and express it)
Level2: Unleash Others
(help others to return to joy in life and on the dance floor)
Level3: Fully Unleashed
(it's a secret, 1st do 1 and 2 and then you'll know about it)
Join up on my events page or see Secret Sunrise for current trainings.
And i simply love to share the freedom and joy of dance. Wherever I am, I know how to start a good, pure vibe that will leave you refreshed and invigorated for life. Whether it's the scenic rooftops of big cities, the open grounds of festivals, or the deep reaches of the desert wadi's, i've hosted dances in it. With silent headphones we can connect in a whole new bubble of space and joy time. Let's vibe!